Real grass may look good but it has higher maintenance costs and other issues associated with it that artificial grass doesn’t.

Artificial grass on Tennis courts has some great benefits for players and tennis court owners.

We are seeing many tennis courts venues switching to our artificial turf due to its lower maintenance costs and convenience.

Tennis courts with artificial grass require little to no maintenance, significantly reducing costs for owners. They are also designed to endure heavy foot traffic, with little wear and tear, and can sustain extreme changes in weather like thunderstorms or high temperatures.

The surface texture of artificial grass remains consistent regardless of the weather or foot traffic, which is a crucial factor for tennis players because of the constant movement involved in the game. It also prevents any possible injuries for the player and other disruptions in the quality of the game.

Tennis players rely heavily on a consistent bounce and play during the game, which is why the texture of the field plays an important role. It helps tennis players strategise their next shot accurately, giving them more control of the ball. Artificial grass provides a smooth surface for a high-quality game while increasing the performance and skills of the players.

The artificial grass can also include an efficient drainage system that makes the court surface less slippery. It is especially beneficial in regions with frequent rainfall. Frequent slips are more common in real grass as the water stays on its surface for longer.

A smooth and flat surface allows for a good quality game. Artificial grass can also include features such as soft fall which can minimise injury if a player falls. Soft fall feature provides a protective surface for players to land on with minimal impact.

Artificial Grass Resiliance

Artificial grass extremely durable, and continuous exposure to sunlight or vigorous use does not impact its quality. These lines are a vital feature of the game, and a reliable surface of artificial grass ensures it lasts longer.

Artificial grass is resilient and does not wear thin easily. Even though artificial grass requires low maintenance, it will still need to be re-touched after a certain period. However, the frequency of maintenance is much less as compared to real grass. Therefore, it is worth the investment as it offers much better playability with minimal costs. It can be used for courts both indoors and outdoors.

IF you have a tennis court in need of an improved surface, or looking at any other turf project, Turf Green can help you out! At Turf Green, we have specially designed and manufactured different types of artificial grass for tennis courts.

Contact us for more information regarding artificial turf installation.

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